
Our goal is to help our advisors help their clients

Nationwide Planning Associates is a national full-service financial planning firm and a FINRA-regulated broker-dealer serving the needs of individuals, institutions and financial intermediaries. The firm is headquartered in Fair Lawn, New Jersey.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide our Financial Advisors and their Clients with the highest level of support and satisfaction by providing them with an unbiased, objective full-service financial planning platform staffed by highly trained professionals.

Our Emphasis on the Safety of Client Assets

All of our client brokerage assets are held at Pershing LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the largest custodial bank in the world—The Bank of New York Mellon.

Our Firm Commitment

At Nationwide Planning, we give our advisors the resources, products, tools and support they need to place and keep their clients on a solid path to achieving their financial goals. Whether it’s responsive back-office support, best-in-class products, access to senior management, or advanced technology, our advisors have everything necessary to provide superior financial planning and investment solutions to the clients that rely on them.

Advisor Support & Resources

  • A low 3.5:1 advisor-to-support staff ratio for maximum access and service
  • A robust suite of “best-in-class” financial solutions and services
  • Unbiased research
  • A range of asset allocation strategies and model portfolios for a range of different risk preferences
  • A broad range of competitive and customizable fee-based asset management programs
  • Cutting-edge technology
  • State-of the-Art advisor productivity and financial planning tools
  • Access to senior management for support and guidance

The Experience and Commitment to Excellence of Nationwide Planning Advisors

Before they are allowed to join our firm, advisors are carefully screened to determine the extent to which they have consistently adhered to our firm’s high standards in the areas of technical expertise, breadth of experience and ethical behavior. Our average advisor is a 15 to 20-year industry veteran with a history of sound and unbiased judgment who has demonstrated a consistent willingness to place the best interests of his/her clients above all else.

A Business Model and a Culture Which Encourages Unbiased Solutions and Objective Advice

Unlike some of our competitors that use internally-managed proprietary investment and insurance products which generate significantly greater income when sold to clients, our firm’s entire business strategy is based on the underlying principle that a firm has to be independent and unbiased in order to provide the best and most objective financial planning solutions to investors. Otherwise conflicts of interest between the firm and its clients resulting from the sale of such proprietary products can easily enter into the investment decision-making process and create decisions which are not always in the client’s favor. At Nationwide Planning, our code of ethics, the screening process by which we select our advisors, our prohibition against proprietary products and our open-architecture product platform converge to foster an environment that encourages our advisors to provide their clients with unbiased and objective advice and to recommend the products and services which will best meet their needs.

Quick Facts

Products & Services